
I'm Heading To Munich Jewellery Week!


Polyphonous 2019:


Yes and Whoa

I've been invited to take part in one of the exhibitions organized by the collective Polyphonous during Munich Jewellery Week this year! Unfortunately, I happen to be in the middle of an especially broke moment, and the thought of another maxed out credit card makes me want to barf in my mouth...so I'm doing a fundraiser
What are the treats?
  • 2 different sheets of stickers to choose from (mock up above) for $15/sheet
  • a reversible sequin pillow case with a jewelry print for $50
  • a puzzle featuring a mess of my work (mock up below) for $60
Do these all sound like the makings of a weirdo tween bedroom? Yes! But you can be that weirdo tween! And you can read more about the above items, more about my practice in general, and why this exhibition is so exciting at my fundraiser.
If you can contribute some resources right now, I really and truly appreciate it. And if you can't, I completely understand that too. Either way, thank you for the support by sticking with me and my work.

You can follow along more at my
 instagram as I plug along in the studio...