
Making Babies Con't

For the sake of my own sanity, I'll try and finally lay this out with visual aids.

Aqua-Resin--a composite fabricating resin that is non-toxic, opaque, and used only for structure. I always prime and paint over this layer.

EnviroTex Lite--a clear epoxy resin used only in thin instances due to viscosity and difficulties with degassing, not good for breakfast, makes my babies shiny on the outside.

Here's your product placement for the day. Aqua-resin is my best friend. It won't kill me like the EnviroTex Lite is going to.

This stuff smells like Elmer's Glue. Very reassuring.

Here's a party of juicy little babies. The Aqua-Resin dries in about 20-30 minutes. After that I'll do a second coat just to make sure they're strong. The first coat is thin and doesn't adhere to the foam well. Later coats are much thicker because that first layer is so thirsty. Two coats is more than enough for these little guys. I tend to do three or more for the big lugs.

Here's a pile of the first batch with their first coats on. Notice the popsicle action. This is handy now and will be later for the EnviroTex Lite layer.

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